Friday 19 June 2015

Martin Luther King an example for our society

"I have a dream", is a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. It was delivered on August 28 in 1963 at the Lincoln memorial.
This speech is considered one of the best speeches from the 20th century, it demands racial justice and it gives different images of a "perfect world" where everyone can live together in peace. It also helps us to understand how their society feels, and their resentment after hundreds of years being discriminated.
This speech is effective because he believes in equality, one of the main topics in the speech, and he sounds confident of the values he talks about in his speech.

In the speech he also uses different rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques that help to construct a credible speech, for example "But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity." In this quote he uses repetition, he repeats "One hundred years" twice in the same paragraph, the effect this causes is to emphasize that it has been a long time, and the negro is still discriminated. He also uses a metaphor, "the life of the negro is still crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." to compare their lives to a horrible condemn, where they are constantly discriminated and segregated from the society.
Things like this examples can be seen through all the speech, and they have a powerful effect on the people that hear them.
It is a shame that things like discriminating people for their skin color has happened and it is even worse that it still happens, when humans are supposed to "evolve" and make progress as a society. But it is better that there are humans like Martin Luther King that are trying to do something about this things, I think people with his point of view are necessary for our society. That is why I also think this is one of the best speeches of the 20th century, besides, it is also well structured and achieves its goal.

Friday 12 June 2015

New Zealand

A cultural element that called my attention from New Zealand is how they respect each other and the maoris, it is impressive how two cultures live together and accept each other, because Chile, unlike New Zealand doesn’t respect the other cultures that live in our national territory. They even recognize Maori as an official language from New Zealand. Also through their history they have even had agreements.

That is one of the main differences, the acceptance and convivence of both cultures in their territory, small details like things written in both Maori and English make a difference.

Another difference between Chile and New Zealand is how clean their cities are, and how they take care of their environment, if you walk in Wellington you won’t see anything written on the walls, no rubbish on the streets, everything is clean. Also their green areas are clean and they take care of them.

A similarity between both Chilean and NZ’s culture is that both descend from aboriginal cultures, like the Maori, Mapuche, etc. The difference in that is how they respect them and we don’t.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

What is it to be a New Zealander?

Being a New Zealander has both similarities and differences with being a Chilean. Being a New Zealander implies being kind and generous, even in small details of daily life like cars stopping to let people go across the street, or saying hello when you walk next to them even if they don’t know you.
New Zealand’s society has more than one culture (multiculturall), there are maoris, Asians, pacific islanders, people from european descendence, etc. And they all live together without any kind of discrimination for their skin colour, appearance, etc.
One aspect of New Zealand’s daily life is their way of eating, at breakfast they usually have cereal, toasts, similar to Chile, at lunch they eat a sandwich or something like that, not too much. Dinner time is special to them, they eat a lot, like a Chilean lunch, this is special because it is a moment when they can share a moment with their families and talk about their day, etc.
New Zealand is also a safe place, people who live in here don’t usually steal or do anything that is against the law, it is weird to see that, it is a peaceful place of the world, you could even leave your phone charging in the subway, then go somewhere else and when you come back your phone will still be there (we know that wouldn’t happen in Chile).
In New Zealand they also take care of their cities and green areas, if you walk in Wellington it is really weird to see trash or anything written in the walls, it is a really clean place.

To sum up, people in New Zealand are really kind and nice, they take care of the place and respect each other.