Wednesday 19 August 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird Historical Context (Task4)

Author Subject Mood Title
Bessie Smith Great Depression Melancolic Nobody Knows When You're Down And Out
Big Bill Broonzy Racism Feels discriminated Black, Brown and White
Lead Belly Jim Crow Protest Jim Crow Blues 
Bessie Smith Loneliness Sadness I ant got nobody
Big Bill Broonzy Overworking(slavery?) Hopelessness Sixteen Tons

Sunday 16 August 2015

Harper Lee questions

  • When was she born?: April 28, 1926
  • Where did she live? Monroeville, Alabama.
  • What did her father do? Her father was a lawyer and a newspaper editor.
  •  What is the cultural and educational background of the author? Since the beginning of her life she has been surrounded by a racist environment, racism was much "stronger" during those years, compared with the society now. But still there is racism in the world, it hasn't disappeared.
She studied in alabama, she started studying laws like her father but she didn't finish because she wanted to be a writer. She also studied at the oxford university.
  • What are the values and aesthetic concerns of the culture of the author (literature movement, cultural movement, society of that time, etc)?  Society in that time had a strong racial "hate", in other words most of them were racists or at least they apparently were, her father defended two racially discriminated persons, because of their skin color, they were both killed. I think things like this could've made her realize that it wasn't right to discriminate people for their race, or any other aspect of their lives, so she might have gained social consciousness by being surrounded with all these things.
  • What important social, political or economic issues took place in the author’s times? Racial discrimination, especially in the south of the united states.
  • Do you think that her childhood is reflected on the book? It might be, haven't read it yet.