Monday 20 April 2015

Blog Assignment (April 17th - April 24th)

1.- Which one is the technique you consider more effective?
A: I think bandwagon might be one of the most effective techniques because nowadays people "follow the crowd", they do what everyone else is doing. Bandwagon consists in showing that everybody is doing something, so you should do it too, or they tell you everyone has a (insert object here), so you should buy a (insert the same object here) too because everybody else around you has one. Basically they try to convince you by someone's or something's popularity.

2.- Which one is the technique that you consider less efective?
A: The technique I consider less efective is "Testimonial", this technique uses a famous person to try to make you buy something, basically they are saying "If you want to be like this famous person, then buy this" this is used when they are talking about a product, i.e. clothes. I think this is not the most effective technique, since it doesn't really persuade you because of the product's quality, they are mainly telling you that a famous person uses it, so not everyone would be convinced by it. That's the reason why people should consider the purpose and quality of the item apart from the person giving the testimonial

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